So, how can you choose the ideal size bat for your slugger? It is primarily about length and shed weight (known as length-to-weight ratio)...with some cone size consideration.


If your child has been properly fitted for length of his metallic bat, then the length choice to get a wood bat will probably be simple: go with the length of his/her metal bat.

You should also know that - baseball bat 7 year old

Many inquire if they should drop back an inch for a childhood wood bat, as wood tends to weigh more than metal. The answer is no! It is not that wood bats are too heavy; it is that metal bats are artificially light.

With timber, his/her metal bat golf-like swing is replaced by a nice, level baseball swing. And, your young hitter learns the way to make contact (about the sweet spot: ~2-6" from barrel end) to optimize power and get more hits on any bat. We are going to touch on proper weight again shortly.

Is this your child's first experience playing baseball? Not convinced he or she was ever properly sized for a wood bat? If your response is yes to either question, here's a helpful graph with overall recommendations for proper youth bat dimensions. Select your child's weight out of the left hand row, and height in the top row. At the junction of these two points is the proposed youth wood baseball bat dimension. You can choose best baseball bat for 9 year old.


In addition to length, length-to-weight ratio also plays a critical role in your slugger's success. As mentioned above, an artificially mild bat leads to the above golf-like swing. A childhood wood bat that is too heavy causes hitters to fall their shoulder or turn their wrists.

Look for a length-to-weight ratio of -7 to -8 to get an 11-year-old or younger. If you take this amount (known as drop weight) and subtract it in bat length, you get the weight in ounces of the bat. So, a 30" -8 drop weight bat may weigh 22 oz (30-8=22).

To get 12-13 year olds enjoying Pony, Junior, or Senior League level, we recommend a childhood bat length-to-weight ratio of -5. For example, a 31" bat weighs 26 oz. This drop weight provides the young hitter a very manageable weight transition involving a childhood bat along with a high-school age bat.

Getting a properly weighted youth bat is critical to developing a proper swing. If the weight doesn't fit the age, all of the good that comes from swinging a wood bat is erased.


Presently, any youth 11 years old or younger is required to swing a 2.25" maximum diameter barrel. For 12-13 year old (and beyond), a 2.5" minimal diameter hose is typically required. This follows Little League rules, which most leagues follow.

Barrel length, which impacts the balanced feel of almost any wood bat, is another factor to consider when choosing a childhood wood bat. The longer the barrel, the more end-weighted it will feel. Even the ridiculously light metal bats with long barrels wreak havoc on a young hitter's swing shape.

Being a power hitter with a metal bat is way different than being a power hitter with a wood bat. Thus, we urge, especially for youth, to steer clear of wooden bats that have big or long barrels, unless your child is super-sized because of their age. The more balanced the wood bat, the more success we expect the childhood baseball player to get.

Coupling participant era with proper youth bat barrel size and length-to-weight ratio (drop weight) will get you one step closer to developing a great swing.

To begin with, always purchase a properly weighted youth wood bat in the length that fits with your kid's metal bat. And, if you do not know if he had been sized properly, use this baseball bat size graph.

Second, if You Are Thinking about a Phoenix bat, then we recommend that a child up to age 11 goes with a few of the following:

    K240 if new to wood (especially 9-11 year olds), as it has more inside pitch protection
    K455 if timber bat experience or 8 or even younger
    K271 for the greatest kid, especially if he's 10-11 years old

We promise, they could handle it!

In 12-13 years old, we recommend a transition to the DR100 or DR5S wood youth bat. The barrel size changes from 2-1/4" to 2-1/2", however, the length-to-weight differential (aka drop weight) only goes out of a -8 to a -5. This maintains swing form. By 14 years old, we definitely expect to see a youth swinging one of our full size, -3 shed weight or heavier baseball bats.


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